I'm part of the Birds Aren't Real movement
I'm familiar with the movement, but not part of it
I've heard of it but don't know much about it
Never heard of it
Don't care
None of these
Don't care
A lot of the theories are true
Ignorance on the part of the believers
Intelligence on the part of the believers
Desire to belong to a community
Stick a thumb in the eye of the elites
Gives believers a sense of control
It's fun/entertaining
Inability to think for self/easily influenced
Way to explain own failures
Don't know
Don't care
Related Fat Finger Polls
Believe It Or Not, February 2016
Pct that believe in these "non mainstream" theories:
51% Oswald didn't assassinate JFK or didn't act alone
27% Area 51 and aliens
23% secret societies control the world (e.g Illuminati)
16% Sept 11 cover-up
14% Jesus and Mary Magdalene had children who ultimately married in to French royalty
6% fluoride in drinking water is intentionally harmful
5% Moon landings were faked
4% CIA created AIDS to wipe out homosexuals
1% Paul McCartney died in car crash in 1966 and was replaced by lookalike
Police Report, August 2018
51% said it's possible "beyond a fractional chance" that associates of Hillary Clinton were responsible for the murder of Seth Rich
A plurality of 37% of those said the belief came from their view of how the Clinton's would act
16% said they got the view from alternative news sites
Law and Order, December 2019
18% said QAnon* is credible
57% said it is not
14% don't know
*QAnon adherents believe the world is run by a Satanic group of pedophiles that includes top Democrats and Hollywood elites, and that former president Trump has spent years leading a secret mission to bring the perpetrators to justice